Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do not feed the mice!

If you work hard to find great deals on food and buy in bulk, don't let it turn into mouse food!
Last November we got our first mouse in the basement. Unfortunately, I did not have a lot of my food stored properly. The mouse had a great feast of eating into my 10 lb bag of pancake mix, my Costco size bag chocolate chips, and some hot chocolate mixes (it must have been a girl mouse.) I was mad that I had to throw away all the food just because a mouse nibbled on some of it. Before we lost any more food to mice we went and bought these storage containers to protect our food.The buckets below store my flour, sugars, rice, and a misc. one that I put an unopened bag of pancake mix, hot cocoa mix, etc.. . A good friend taught me to store my chocolate chips in the freezer, they will last longer and give the cookie dough a little chill before you cook them. (The "chill" helps the flour absorb into the dough.)
We recently caught another mouse in the basement and I am happy to report the only food he got into was the food left on the trap!


  1. Yikes! I hate mice. I really need to take your advice and get some plastic containers before it is too late.

  2. I hate mice!! It makes me so made when I find evidence that they have been sneaking around....

  3. I don't like uninvited guests mouse size or bug size. Good idea to keep things secure.

  4. Nice way to keep food protected from moisture too. Looks like you are using the screw top lids on your big buckets. I love them! Good ideas.

  5. Your storage looks great! I have mice!!!!
