Monday, March 1, 2010

Nabisco Cookie Facebook Coupon

I am one of the 500,000. I printed the "free" Nabisco cookie coupon on facebook this morning.The coupon expires March 4 and you have to buy a gallon of milk and a package of Nabisco cookies to get your "free" cookie. I don't know how great of a deal this is, unless you buy Nabisco cookies regularly. I am going to try to stack a coupon with it that gives you $1.00 off when you buy two cookies, but I think it will really depend on the cashier I get if I can use it or not.

I did pick up my Peanut Butter at Albertson's. For my family a year supply is 18lbs, so I picked up 15 to complete my supply for the year. Watching the news lately makes me more eager to have my food storage up to par :) If you are just starting, get your 72 hour kits together first and then work on getting a 3 months supply of food--food that your family eats and your can rotate before it spoils. By grocery shopping this way you stock up on the sales and your basement becomes your own little mini mart. Visit for more info on storing a three month supply of food.

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