Sunday, January 10, 2010

Safeway Shopping and Coupon Mom

On the Today Show this past week I saw the Coupon Mom do her grocery shopping thing on tv. She walked out of the store with a cart full of groceries paying only $.25. This irritates me, because to me this is not reality shopping! First off I want to write that you never see produce, meats, or dairy in the grocery cart when they end with their phenomenal savings. Also, where do they get the coupons? A newspaper subscription costs money, buying coupons off ebay costs money, but they like to leave that part out of the story because it ruins the theme of $.25 for the cart full of groceries.

I DO CLIP COUPONS and FOR ME it DOES SAVE ME MONEY! I just want the coupon Mom and other grocery gurus out there to be realistic about how much money you save by using coupons and matching them with the store sales.

Saturday, I shopped at Safeway and combing the store sales, store coupons, and manufacture coupons this is what I got:

Gallon of Milk: $.99
Eggs: $.99
10lbs Potatoes: $2.99

Oranges: $.39/lb ($1.45)
Grapefruit: $.50/lb ($1.43)
String Cheese 12 sticks: $1.49

Nature Valley Granola Bars: 4 boxes $1.oo each
Skippy Peanut Butter: $.99 each
Twinkies 10: $1.89

Nabisco 12 pk: $1.99 (saving the receipt to redeem $20.00 rebate)
Pop Tarts: 3 boxes $1.00 each
Mac and Cheese: 3 boxes $.27 each

total at checkout $25.13

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